Connect the Dots
Social and emotional Starter TOOLS:
ACES and Early Brain Development
Connect the Dots: Small Poster
Connect the Dots: PowerPoint
Challenging Behaviors from the Child's View Small Poster (*CTD Original)
Flipping our Lid! Early Brain Development
Social Emotional Development 24 to 36 Months
Social Emotional Development Birth to 3
Change to “Being” versus “doing” With Your Child
Social and Emotional Websites for Families and Teachers:
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics:
Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
Center on the Social & Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
Development Red Flags and Trauma
Songs for Social-Emotional Learning and Development
Zero to Three (ZTT)
For a more detailed listing of national and state online resources click here.
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