
Kentucky Strengthening Families (KYSF) Initiative represents a multi-disciplinary partnership of over 20 national, state and local organizations in the public and private sectors dedicated to embedding six research-based Protective Factors into services and supports for children and their families. Supporting families is a key strategy for promoting school readiness and preventing child abuse and neglect. All families experience times of stress and research demonstrates that children grow and learn best in families who have the supports and skills to deal with those times. By supporting families and building their skills to cope with stressors, we can increase school readiness and reduce the likelihood abuse will occur in families.

KYSF Initiative is using a nationally recognized strategy—Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework – which is coordinated by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The Protective Factors are conditions in families and communities, which when present, help increase the health and well-being of families and children and reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.

All Kentucky families can benefit from comprehensive efforts to build Protective Factors.

The Protective Factors identified for Kentucky are:

1.      Resilience: Families bounce back

2.      Social Connections: Families have friends they can count on

3.      Knowledge of Child Development: Families learn how their children grow and develop

4.      Concrete Support in Times of Need: Families get assistance to meet basic needs

5.      Social and Emotional Competence of Children: Families teach children how to have healthy


6. Nurturing and Attachment: Families ensure children feel loved and safe


In 2001, with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) began studying the role that early childcare and education programs nationwide can play in strengthening families and preventing abuse and neglect. The Strengthening Families conceptual framework involves building research-based Protective Factors around young children by working differently with their families across all child- and family-serving organizations and systems. This approach includes aligning systems with Protective Factors, using data driven decision-making, marshaling leadership and making policy and systems changes on multiple levels.

In 2013, the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood and the Kentucky Department for Public Health convened a group of many organizations that help families to explore the implementation of the Strengthening Families framework. These organizations made a commitment to embed the Protective Factors in the daily practice of government and community-based programs. In January 2014, the Leadership Team developed a strategic plan to move the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative forward in the Commonwealth. Currently, the KYSF Initiative receives ongoing statewide support and guidance from the Kentucky Strengthening Families Leadership Team that meets quarterly.

What is the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative?

Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative is aligning practice with developmental science, to be more responsive to trauma, pay attention to developmental issues and support parents/caregivers in nurturing the children in their care by building Protective Factors not just reducing risk.  It is a changed relationship with caregivers/youth (Family/Youth-Driven) by working together to achieve good outcomes.  KYSF Initiative is an evidence-informed approach-not a model, a program or a curriculum that can be adapted to many different settings and service delivery models. 

Think of the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative as the umbrella or overarching goal on how we will strengthen families in Kentucky and underneath are several curriculums that incorporate components of the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative, including one or more of the six Protective Factors.

Those curriculums are Family Thrive, Youth Thrive, Parent Café, Youth Café, Provider Café and Connect the Dots under the umbrella. 

Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative is a movement to create a common language and common approach. This is more about connecting the things you are already doing and already have in place.  It is making the invisible, visible and the visible more intentional, by applying new strategies to the work you already do.


The Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative is a Department for Public Health program, housed in the Division of Maternal and Child Health.

General email: kysf@ky.gov

Department for Public Health State Team:

Kristen Martin, Program Administrator for Early Childhood Mental Health, Kristen.martin@ky.gov

Emily Keely, Early Childhood Social Emotional Consultant, Emily.keely@ky.gov

Shannon Parker, Trauma-Informed Care and Resiliency Consultant, Shannong.parker@ky.gov